Baby Foot Review

Baby Foot Review

I first heard of Baby Foot through Lisa Dutton who was anchoring Global Morning News where I guest regularly. "It's super gross," she told me in a voice that suggested 'gross' was an understatement, "but it works." So when my girlfriend, makeup artist Lisa Hallam gave me a pack for my birthday (she retails it), it took me a couple months to build up the courage to try it because, well, who wants gross feet? But I finally tried it and my Instagram story announcing I was trying it drew SO many messages asking for updates, I thought I'd just blog about it rather than try to reply belatedly to y'all. So without further ado, here's my review of Baby Foot. Viewer discretion is advised. 🙈

* Title pic by Joi Photography. This is not a sponsored/paid post although I’ve added an Amazon Affiliate link so you’re able to take a look at pricing/ buy a pack to try for yourself.*



Baby Foot has a million warnings: don't use if you're pregnant, don't use on broken skin... I expected it to be intense. 


I washed my feet really well (as the instructions suggested) and got ready for grossness.


The instructions, to my surprise, said the results could take up to two weeks. Would I be peeling the whole time? 


Here's my before. My heels and toes look drier than I recall them being, probably because I hadn't put lotion on after I washed them (because lotion creates a barrier for the Baby Foot exfoliator that’s inside the booties).


I taped the booties snugly with the included adhesive strips and then, because I did have to walk around a bit despite the recommendation to stay put, I slipped socks on over top. It felt warm and kind of tingly for the hour and a half I wore the booties. I've heard of people sleeping with them on but the directions said to wait an hour and I'm a follow-to-the-letter kind of gal when it comes to products with warnings on them. (I was distracted by children for the extra half hour.) 

I washed my feet off afterward and didn't put lotion on as per the instructions. Apparently oil will slow the process.


Day of, there was literally zero change. Then, in the shower the following day, a bit of peeling as I rubbed my toe. Yuck! But positive!


That happened a couple of times in the shower but it wasn't until about a week in that real change started: it was like my feet had been covered in Elmer's glue that had dried and started to chip. But, y'all. It was not glue. It was my skin.


Max grossness was at ten days when my skin was pretty much cracking off and I wore socks constantly so I wouldn't get skin all over my house. It was a long time to have not-so-nice feet. But then...


Perfection! Two weeks from the start date and just in time for the beach. Worth it? For me, yes. (Thanks, Lisa!) How about y'all, still want to try?


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