Green Tree Beauty At Four
In an age of fast fashion, quick taste changes, and Amazon domination, I always cheer when wonderful small businesses like Green Tree Beauty find an important niche and forge deep into it. Green Tree Founder and Professional Makeup Artist, Jennilee Cardinal-Schultz has been retailing (and championing) high-quality, truly sustainably-made products for four years and truly, it’s an anniversary worth celebrating. If you’re a regular reader or follow me on Instagram, you know Green Tree is my favourite shop and I feel lucky that although a lot of their sales are online, the storefront itself is right in my hometown of Saskatoon. I had the opportunity to chat with Jennilee about the origins, successes, and future of Green Tree Beauty. Her inspiring story, great information, honesty, and deadpan sense of humour make Jennilee’s interview a great read. Enjoy!!
cover photo by Joi Photo
Jennilee’s daughter, Nixxi, with a few orders.
S&L: How did Green Tree come to be and why?
Jennilee: As most wild journeys begin, it started with a perfect storm....
The first was that I began reacting to conventional makeup products. My body, skin and face had enough of the chemicals. My eyes would burn endlessly with a swipe of mascara. As I began to research ingredients and why this was happening, I was learning about the beauty industry's "dirty little not-so-secret secrets". I really wasn't ok using chemical based products on myself or my family anymore...And if I wouldn't use the products on myself, I certainly couldn't in good conscious use them on my clients.
The second part of my storm was that I was increasingly concerned about who was suffering for me to have the latest trendy blush. I believe that no being should suffer for me to have wicked eye liner. There's three parts to concern. I believe that:
- Animals shouldn't be tested on for beauty products. (I really don't need the lipstick if a bunch of bunnies will be tortured to develop the formula.)
- Humans shouldn't be exploited for the ingredients or production. (Look up mica mining. Mica is used in many powder beauty products and sometimes (often) those mining it are treated poorly, slaves and even children.) Even the delivery of some products IN NORTH AMERICA results in exploitation of humans. (Hello Amazon and your awful employee treatment.)
- The planet that we are handing off to future generations is in a very delicate state and the idea of plastic everywhere and no clean water is quite alarming to me.
The third part was that via my friends at Alchemy (the storefront is now closed but the spirit will live on forever), I was meeting so many rad female entrepreneurs who were collaborating and building community over competition. It gave me the confidence to join that wonderful movement. I'm very passionate about working together to create a vibrant, local community.
S&L: I've tried so many product recommendations from you and they've all come to be my favorites. In a market that seems HUGE, you manage to curate thoughtfully so there's an excellent selection, but it's not just everything. How do you choose what you carry?
Jennilee: There's actually five things I look for when curating our offerings:
Performance - Does this product do what it's suppose to? I test every single product before we bring it in (it's not the worst job). Because I freelance on film and photo sets as well as take bridal clients, I need products that can achieve my desired effect and keep it going all day without fussing with it. I expect the same for what from what I put on the shelves for Green Tree Beauty's community.
Ingredients - What is in the product? Are the ingredients potentially harmful to humans or the enviroment? A good rule of thumb is if you don't understand the ingredients listed on the product, you probably shouldn't put it on your face or body - or at least research the ingredients before committing to a product.
Sustainability - What is the packaging made from? There aren't always perfect packaging options but our brands work hard to offer their products in glass, bamboo, cardboard and refillable options. Were the ingredients sustainably sourced? If an ecosystem is being destroyed to get an ingredient for a product, it's not right for GTB's shelves.
Cruelty-free - Did or will any being suffer for this product to be on our shelf? As mentioned before, that extends to animals, humans and the future of the planet.
Passion - A common trait amongst entrepreneurs is passion. They eat, drink and sleep their brand and with passion comes integrety. It is so important to them that their product is of highest quality and they are constantly striving to do better. These are the types of brands I seek. Many of the brands I offer, if a client has a question about their product that I can't answer, the brand founder is just a phone call away and always happy to help. I love that and it's important. Our clients aren't just numbers, they are people, people who are voting for us to succeed with their hard earned dollars. Let's make sure they know how special it is that they chose to support us.
A photo from the Crisis Nursery day. OUT Saskatoon, the Food Bank, the SPCA, and other charities have also benefited from Green Tree Beauty’s many fundraising initiatives.
S&L: What are some of your major successes or proudest moments, looking back over the four years of Green Tree Beauty?
Jennilee: We've received some pretty sweet accolades over the years but honestly, what I'm most proud of is that Green Tree Beauty has been able donate to many different community organizations over the years. It's not always easy to do when you're balancing margins and bottom lines but it's so important to me that I support the community that supports me.
Grandpa Jim and family.
S&L: I know that you have a devoted and hands-on dad like I do (we're so lucky!!), and that he even makes deliveries for you sometimes. Who else is unofficially on your Green Tree team?
Jennilee: I actually have a fantastic Virtual Assistant, Morgan D. It's her one year anniversary with us. Funny story: Morgan lives in Lumsden and we hadn't met in person for the first time until last week! Anyway, Morgan, is so much more than an assistant: She's become a friend, my Pinterest guru, a great sounding board and a very important team member.
Jimothy, my dad, is pretty rad. He does so much behind the scenes (like the books and building all the furniture in the new space - two things I suck at).
And oh my goodness, my family and friends... There are so many that are constantly helping. Whether it's organizing the shelves or sending me ideas. I'm consider myself very rich to be surrounded by so many awesome, supportive people.
S&L: In my mind at least, you've established your business as THE destination for high quality, truly sustainable skin and beauty supplies. Where would you like to go from here?
Thanks. That's a really lovely compliment. My next step is a beauty revolution. It breaks my heart we are conditioned by media and society to feel "not good enough" based on not looking a certain way or being the right size or the right colour - the list is endless. The cosmetics and skincare you choose to adorn yourself with, should be because they makes you feel good, not because someone's making you feel bad about your appearance. Whether it's a billboard or a bully inboxing you on social - fuck em all. I want to continue to help people feel good in their own skin instead of feeling bad for not fitting into society's ridiculous and often unattainable beauty standards.
Thank you sooooo much to Jennilee Cardinal-Schultz for taking the time for this interview AND for doing what she does. If you’re not a Green Tree Beauty loyalist yet, I encourage you to check out their site and add some self-care to your cart— the kind that also cares for Mother Earth. Meanwhile, I’ll save you a seat on the bandwagon.