Girls' Trip to Candle Lake Golf Resort
Reconnecting with girlfriends! It’s something I’ve been dying to do for oh… over a year. My visits with friends in the city have been limited to chatting with other parents at school pickup, distant driveway hangouts with my neighbors, and the odd patio date. All of which I relish! But as part of my work with Candle Lake Golf Resort, I had the opportunity to experience something I hope you will gift yourself soon: a girl's’ trip. I’m talking fresh air, nourishing food, getting active, and the kind of laughs where somebody snorts and you all laugh that much harder. Yesss it’s possible even with current restrictions, and it is wonderful. Let me tell you all about this special Saskatchewan getaway.

My friend, photographer Karyn Kimberley and I have been working with Candle Lake Golf Resort on socials and wow, just wow, what a magical place. We spent time there with our families this winter and recently, we were able to enjoy a trip with our friend, Erin while we gathered content. It’s Karyn’s photography you’re seeing here, unless she’s in a photo and our girl, photographer Erin Crooks has taken the wheel!
We met at the resort and immediately, I felt that awesome IT’S HAPPENING feeling. We chatted with the Owners, got settled into our three neighboring cabins, and then started scoutin’ out the trails. There are miles to explore, from flattened grass that my two photographer friends cooed over, to groomed trails flanked by towering pines, lit by sun finding its way through. I live in Stonebridge and although I love the community, my biggest tree doesn’t cover my over-the-fence neighbor’s view. So for me, being in that forest immediately felt like a vacation.

Then, a lunch break. The Waters’ Edge Restaurant patio offers a view of the 18th green, the marina, and the non-Stonebridge trees. But it also offers the yummiest menu! I’m not normally a big pad Thai fan but ooh it’s delicious! My other faves are the veggie sandwich, Greek salad, and I could live on the sweet potato fries.

Our mission on this trip was to dip our toes into what the resort has to offer but I’ll admit we are not golfers. We did learn a lot about each other, though! I’m a hilariously cautious golf cart driver, Karyn is a competent director even when she doesn’t know the game, and Erin is essentially Tiger Woods without all the drama. Not kidding, Erin was the ringer on our team! (Wait. Golfing is a team sport, right?)
If you’re a golfer, good to note that the course was not quite open when we were up and was already lookin’ lovely.

Beer and chit chat around a fire, need I say more? Putting this post together is making me wish I was living it all over again. The cabins each have their own fire pits, so we met at mine and got cozy.
A few drinks and much conversation later, we retired to our cabins and regrouped in the morning. The real, no-small-talk hangouts picked right back up where we’d left them the night before. I found, at least personally, I’ve been so absent physically from my friends that I don’t know how much I’m holding onto until I start talking. Then it’s like, floodgates.
I’ve missed this.

Let’s talk favourite activities at Candle Lake Golf Resort. Many people would choose golf, but me? Biking. Don’t you just love the feeling of going fast under your own power? Smelling the pine and feeling your lungs work? That’s rhetorical. You do.
I mentioned the Pad Thai at Waters’ Edge. Here it is, in all its glory. Heart eyes, right? Karyn captured many of the menu items and they are all this appealing— keep your eye out on the Candle Lake Golf Resort Instagram for more. Good to note: the weekends feature a brunch menu.

Did we end up canoeing? No, but you should! The ice was just lifting and nothing says relaxation than putting a paddle in the water. I’m looking forward to going back and checking it off our list.
What a trip. Not only did I get to reconnect with Erin and Karyn but I also got to reconnect with nature in quiet moments like watching this deer sip water. Dear reader, I really do hope you’ll enjoy your own Candle Lake Golf Resort getaway. Dates are filling fast for the summer so check your schedule, check theirs, and plan your vacation today.