Set your eyes to stunned: Candle Lake Golf Resort has renovated
In wintertime, my family usually enjoys a hot vacation but about a year ago, an ongoing pandemic (you know the one) waylaid that plan and we took our first-ever “cold vacation”. Candle Lake Golf Resort had come under new ownership and I was lucky enough to work with them to showcase a winter getaway there (in case you missed it, here’s the blog and spoiler alert, we loved every moment). This year, as soon as the excitement of Christmas had ended, my family started counting the days until we could head back. This time, I was looking forward to both reliving our previous fun and to seeing the renovations I knew had been going on in the interim. And y’all. LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT’S NEW.

First, here’s an outside shot of last year’s visit in the very place we stayed this year: a Birch Cabin, by request of my kids (that photo by Karyn Kimberley). The difference inside the cabin this year? My mom joined us! If you don’t yet follow me on Instagram, heads up that her appearances in my Candle Lake highlights tab are adorable.
But we’re talking about renos and that brings me to the sled-out hotel rooms.
Oh and for you city folk, “sled” is colloquial for “snowmobile”. 😉

The sled-out rooms are modern, bright, and come with an entry view you can’t beat. Pictured is both a two and one-bed room… and a lil’ action shot of what life would be like hopping on your ride whenever you want. Scroll through and tell me, did I lead you wrong with my title? No I did not.

And speaking of sleds, you can now rent them right at the Resort. The Yamahas go for $225/day and the Polaris are $275/day. The difference between the two is something about a 4-stroke but I can’t tellya what that means and rode the Yamaha just fine (1989 birthdays and older are grandfathered in to riding without a license). We had an incredible ride along just a smidge of the trails dotted by warm-up shacks like the one pictured, all maintained by the Candle Lake Sno Drifters club. Honestly, this sled ride was a highlight of not just my winter but my year. Seeing my mom cruising on a snowmobile was a trip in itself, but just LOOK at that scenery. If ever someone was to fall in love all over again with Saskatchewan, it’s gonna be as they glide through towering pines, the sun peeking through snow-laden branches.
Okay let’s be real, snowshoeing ended early due to a temper tantrum. As pictured, it was not me doing the temper tantrum-ing. But at only $10/half day and $15/full day for rentals, it’s reasonable to risk the mood of your 4-year-old.

The marina rink is a dream, and it’s where Petra first found her love of skating so it has a special place in my heart. And look, my mom put skates on for the first time in 45 years! That’s right, not only did my mother ride a snowmobile, she braved the ice without PPE. The lady is goals.
Candle Lake Golf Resort also boasts a full-sized hockey rink, snow clearing equipment galore, and a zamboni. But after another night of snow, I beat them early morning to the rink for this photo which is clearly destined to be a Facebook profile picture.
The “after” shot.

In the hotel, the Angry Beaver Cafe is now open on the mainfloor. Featuring specialty coffees alongside brew and snacks, there is ample seating or you can take it to go, like we did.

On the second floor is where you’ll find the Water’s Edge restaurant, a destination for locals and Resort-goers alike. Unsure there has ever been a vegetarian sandwich quite so nice. Also pictured are standout meals ordered by Tyler and my mama: fish tacos and shrimp Pad Thai.
Suffice to say, I think winter vacations in actual winter are underrated and if you haven’t yet tried one, it’s time. At Candle Lake Golf Resort, you’ll enjoy the clearest Northern skies and winter play opportunities steps away from your cozy cabin or newly-renovated hotel room. Check out their Stay and Play deals (the Adrenaline package includes snowmobile rental) or browse available dates here.
xo Maygen