Summer in Saskatoon Colouring Contest
CONTEST CLOSED and congratulations to grand prize winner Hannah and second place winner Atticus. The selection was by random draw. Please have a look through the gallery and give these kids some applause for their awesome artistic work!! -Maygen
Now until Sunday August 11, I’m inviting YOUR kiddos to draw something they love doing in Saskatoon during summertime. Entries will be added to this online gallery and on Monday, I’ll draw for a pretty sweet gift basket with: a jumbo pack of Crayola markers, watercolor paint set, Jellycat stuffie, Schylling paddle boat, Kaleidoscope, & bike horn, crystal growing kit, sidewalk chalk set, Odd Pieces mini puzzle, Smart Sweets Tropical Sours, pinwheel lollypop, locally made heat bag, the Original Whoopie Cushion, and a cute notepad from local artist Gail Fast. Entering is easy & open to my followers on ANY platform (Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok), so please do let your children know about this opportunity.
To enter: 1. Ask your child (or grandchild, niece, nephew…) to draw a favourite part of summer in Saskatoon. 2. Take a photo of their work. 3. Email it to me at along with your social media handle or name on Facebook and their first name & age. The draw will be random so that’s all they have to do to enter!
Nathan, 7. Biking in the summer.
Colton, 7. Paddling Pool in Saskatoon.
Hannah, 7. Saskatoon has lots of great beaches!
Eleanor, 4. The summer play program at the paddling pool.
Felix, 5. At the spray park with friends.
Maddy, 5. On the “death slide” at Kinsmen Park.
Emily, 9. Swimming at the pool.

Kinley, 4, loves hiking and swimming in Saskatoon.
Connor, 6. Swimming at the pool.
Jack, 8. Canada Day
Waylon (2) and mama.
Connor, 8. Fireworks.
Caleb, 5. Prairie Lily.
Cooper, 3. On a slide at the playground
Talia, 7 Swimming at the pool while her brothers play ball.
Kaeda, 7. At Riverside pool
Kate, 12. Swimming on her staycation.
Elizabeth, 6. Jumping on the trampoline with sprinklers.
Joshua, 6.
Alice, 9. Summer foods
Atticus, 5. Riding a scooter
Maeve, 5. She loves to waterside at Lathey!
Florence, 8, loves going to park with her family, going to the forestry farm, and going on water slides playing in the hot sun.
Lauren, 7. Beach day at the river.
Benson, 8. His favorite thing to do this summer is to catch his favorite bug, a grasshopper, in his bug catcher.
Alice, 5.5, says playing at the park is the best part of summer in Saskatoon!
Rylan, 6. His favourite thing to do in summer is sleep!
Theo, 6.
Jordyn Rylee, 7. A couple of classics!

Ruthie, 7. Playing with cats

Elosie, 8. Biking by the river
Kennedy, 5. On a ride at the Ex with her sister.

Avery, 6. Going to the park & swimming is the best in Summer in Saskatoon!!
Hadiya , 10.
Kayden, 6. The rock and roll ride at the Ex.
James, 7. Riding his bike around the neighborhood.
Lilban, 6. Eating dole whip and going to Sugarshack.
Lucy, 5. This is her (as a unicorn, naturally) eating an ice cream cone
Thea, 9. Catching crayfish in the river.
Evy, 8. Being with her family.
George, 7.
Zoey, 8- playing on the beach at Chief Whitecap Dog park.
Avery, 5- going to the park on a sunny day.
Lex, 6. Loves the Ex!
Linus, 6, loves going to the beach
Evie, 8, enjoyed getting her nails done with her cousin
Noah, 9. Playing street hockey.
Arabelle, age 11
Maeve, 10. She loves going for ice cream at the sugar shack!
Flora, 6, loves going to Rattler games!
Elia. 6, loved going to the Ex, especially the Super Dogs!
Dominic, 8, likes going to the Sugar Shack for Ice Cream and walking/playing basketball at the river!
Cora-Jane, 6. Her favourite things to do in the summer are to go on the water slide at the pool & eat mini donuts at The Fringe.
Leo, 10.
Oliver, 8.
Adelynn, 7, loves swimming!
Ari age 4. She loves rainbows and flowers in summer.
Brody, 11. His favourite time of summer is when Spirit Halloween opens.
Amy, 13. Favourite thing is the Pride Parade!