SKN YXE: A Med Spa Aligned with My Values
This is a happy, rom-com style post, I swear! Buuut bear with me while we take a quick wallow in the past because you kind of have to know a backstory to fully appreciate the happy ending. See, I had given an interview on CBC radio about beauty and aging which led to my being dropped by the nationally-owned med spa whom I’d been working with for the last few years. The reason? My “values didn’t align” with theirs. I know, tough news to hear on flipping Valentine’s Day and trust me, I spent some time reflecting on exactly what my values are. How much time? Let’s just say, enough to reread and rewrite this essay every other day for a month. In the end, I concluded that, much like you should conclude of your own, my values are worthy! And, in a plot twist, being dumped also made space for a relationship that is aligned. Yep, without that catalyst, I wouldn’t now be working with SKN and really, I’m so proud to be. Here’s the how, why, and who. ♥
I met SKN Owner Shereen Magnus in real life after first pouring my heart out in Instagram DMs. This is how people meet in 2023. We are doing it! Through both text and in person, I’ve been seen and supported by Shereen and I feel the reciprocal of her. I wanted to share of our conversations with you because it was so impactful, I actually called my husband from the car afterward in tears of gratitude. But being that it wasn’t recorded and I didn’t take notes, the closest thing to sharing my WHY for my new partnership is with this interview. Please read on!
Me: Tell me about what drew you to the field of medical esthetics ,and why a clinic of your own was a leap that you and your husband, Mark wanted to make.
Shereen: I have been obsessed with any beauty related since I was a little girl. I struggled HARD with acne since I was 11. I've tried everything under the sun ( except Accutane) to try and manage my acne, but nothing worked long-term. With the understanding how hard it can be on your mental health and self-esteem, I made it my mission to help others heal from their acne and other skin issues.
Opening a clinic with my husband was a leap for sure! At the time, our son was barely a year old and we were operating during a pandemic. It was definitely wild and risky. We've gone through so many changes as a business but man, we are so grateful for where we are now, and for our amazing clientele and staff!
Me: What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Shereen: The most rewarding part of my job is seeing the results in my clients. And for some of them it is life changing. I also love being a business owner because I can operate out of my own values and not pressure people into making "the sale," which is so obnoxious in this industry. I also have the freedom to give back to our community in ways where I can make the most impact, such as our SKN Initiative. With this initiative I offer free microneedling treatments to those with self-harm scars. As a teen I struggled a lot with my mental health and self-harm was one way I was able to cope. After finding healing and being able to move on from self-harm, I saw a huge need to help those who were in the same position as I had been.
Self-harm is far more prevalent than you would think, and most people will cover up with clothing such as long sleeve shirts and pants, even if it's 40+ C outside. Being able to offer this service has not only helped my clients to heal and experience freedom in their own skin, but on a deeper level, it has also helped heal my own 14 year old self.
Me: That’s so beautiful, Shereen.
Me: What services have positively benefitted your life personally?
Shereen: It's hard to choose what services have benefited me because they all have, haha! My favourites would have to be the AviClear and our body contouring technology. As I mentioned before I've struggled with acne since I was 11, and it wasn't till recently that I've been able to be acne free since completing my AviClear treatments. I'm now at the point where I feel comfortable enough to not wear foundation! (YAY!) And I personally love our body contouring devices ( Trusculpt Id & Flex) because I've always been a huge fan of being fit and working out but sometimes as a mom and business owner, I don't have the time (more so don't make the time) or I'm so mentally drained that I have nothing left in the tank to go hammer out a workout. With these devices I can still maintain my fitness and muscle when I'm going through a rough patch in my fitness. The Trusculpt Id also allows me to spot treat stubborn areas of fat that will not budge unless I'm under 12% body fat ( which I personally don't want to do). Both devices help me to feel good without changing the uniqueness of my body!
Me: I wanted to work with you because you supported my values and voice as an individual. In an industry often driven to sell “youth”, could you share why supporting your clients and building relationships is instead your priority?
Shereen: I would like to say I've always been a rebel, I don't like being told what to do, what to wear, or how to act lol. So when it comes to beauty standards I feel the same way, especially when it comes to pressuring women at the cost of their self-confidence. We are pro-do whatever the heck makes you happy as long as it doesn't cause harm. Not everyone that comes into our clinic is a candidate for every service or they simply may not benefit from everything we offer. And some want to age gracefully without injectables, or simply don't like the feeling of Botox. We respect their choices and offer alternatives that will help them achieve the results they are after.
I also cringe when women's faces are picked apart all because the provider wants an additional buck. We're all for discussing one’s goals and helping them understand why certain treatments would help benefit them, but I cannot stand when someone nit picks someone's face or body and gives the client a complex. Respect and integrity are something we strive for everyday, and we hope you feel that when you walk through our doors.
And now, you know why SKN is for me.
My personal skin goals are to look glowy, feel hydrated, soften lines without erasing my expressive face… and beyond SPF and water, medical spa treatments are part of my tool kit. That’s just me. I had my first-ever Secret RF treatment (microneedling with radio frequency waves fed beneath the skin) which stimulates the production of collagen, one of our body’s natural proteins that helps with new cell growth and gives structure to skin. Not only did I feel and see my skin health improve at a quicker pace than traditional microneedling, but because the radio frequency is hot, the healing process was also much faster. I’ve looked burned for a couple days after microneedling but with Secret RF, I was at my Girl Guiding meeting that night without makeup, no redness left at all. And the collagen production it kickstarted is going strong.
Do more than me, do less… do whatever makes you happy. But if you’ve got skin goals to discuss, there’s no safer space than with Shereen and her team. Update that a consult at SKN now has a small cost, but it’s put toward any treatment you choose. Please let them know I referred you.
xo Maygen